Flow Recipes

Flow Recipes are permutations of specific DevOps tool combinations and integrations required to achieve a high velocity throughput.

These integrations bridge isolated applications so that work products can flow freely end to end.

For example in this case study Tasktop describes how they worked with Select Medical to integrate a DevOps estate that spanned applications including ServiceNow, Sharepoint, Azure DevOps and Test Automation.

Team Practices

Integrations can improve flow throughput at the people and process level, enabling developers to work together more effectively.

Toolchain Automations

Integrations between the many different applications used across the software life-cycle can facilitate key automations that speed the overall throughput.

DevOps Toolchain

The DevOps Toolchain refers to the combination of tools and technologies used to progress code through the full life-cycle from development to production.

Workflow Modeling

These workflows can be charted and mapped to understand and improve their flow process.

Application Mapping

Once flow models are developed they can then be mapped on to the DevOps applications to identify the need for integrations.

Workflow Blueprints



Flow Recipes are blueprints of different application combinations and integrations that speed up team collaboration workflows.

These span commonly used apps and services like AWS, Azure and Atlassian.

Integrate your robust project management stack on Jira cloud with the extensive code management and CI/CD functionality offered by GitLab.

An AI agent that understands natural language, so you can ask it to deploy clusters or answer questions in plain English, right inside Slack.

FloSports is using LinearB and gitStream to optimize their code review process.

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