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DevOps Toolchain

The DevOps Toolchain refers to the combination of tools and technologies used to progress code through the full life-cycle from development to production.

An integrated toolchain allows developers, testers, and operations teams to work together throughout the whole software lifecycle, automating repetitive tasks, reducing manual errors and saving time.

A toolchain’s components typically operate one after the other, with the output of one tool acting as the input for the subsequent one. 

Integrating DevOps Workflows

As Eric Billingsley writes on DevOps.com, the challenges developers face include poor interoperability between tools and manual handoffs causing DevOps automation silos, adding unnecessary complexity, and increased policy and security requirements that simply cannot scale and remain manual.

Toolchains can typically be vendor centric, for example the full stack Azure DevOps toolchain. Microsoft offers services like Pipelines and Boards to augment their core Cloud service with life-cycle tools.

Atlassian describes how this can be achieved through an all-in-one vendor offering,  or a toolchain customized for a team’s needs with different tools. They offer their Open DevOps platform ecosystem, where a multitude of tools can be mixed and matched across functions of planning, CI/CD and testing.


An integrated toolchain enables Continuous Integration and Delivery, facilitating rapid feedback loops and faster deployment of code changes. Through integrated tools, teams gain better visibility into the development process, enhancing traceability and accountability.


GitOps is an operational framework that takes DevOps best practices used for application development such as version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD, and applies them to infrastructure automation.

The Partner Directory includes Vendors and Consultants who provide technologies and professional services for designing and implementing an integrated Devops Toolchain.

Best Practices

An ongoing article series on implementing Integrated Toolchain best practices.

Learn what’s possible by evaluating your DevOps toolchain and narrowing your tools—giving teams better workflows and streamlined processes.

Atlassian offers an open ecosystem approach where a multitude of different vendors can be plug and play integrated together to achieve a single DevOps Value Stream.

Nicole Bryan and Jeff Zahorchak explain the process of mapping DevOps workflow to build an integrated toolchain, and optimize it for high performance through implementing Flow Metrics.

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