Case Study

How to Implement Enterprise DevOps in a Huge Organization

Join this session to learn about the experience at Sasol Limited, an integrated energy and chemical company based in South Africa.

This entry is part 7 of 9 in the series DevOps Digital Transformation

Speaking at the DevOps Enterprise Summit Sasol Limited presented on How to Implement Enterprise DevOps in a Huge Organization.

The talk was delivered by:

  • Bramley Maetsa – Head of Delivery Enablement.

“What’s it like to move from waterfall and legacy technologies in a monolithic architecture to a highly responsive DevOps-based delivery model in a large organization?

Join this session to learn about the experience at Sasol Limited, an integrated energy and chemical company based in South Africa. Bramley Maetsa, Head of Delivery Enablement at Sasol, will share the Sasol journey covering these key topics:

  • The strategy – focused on velocity and delivering business value.
  • Organizing teams to be DevOps-ready.
  • Establishing the right toolchain and DevOps framework.
  • Shifting left and adding DevSecOps to build high quality products.

Bramley will share an example of how they identified and eliminated bottlenecks by completely automating change approvals, leveraging their Azure DevOps toolchains tied to ServiceNow.

Series Navigation<< DevOps Transformation at Shell: Enabling DevOps in Mobile EcosystemEnterprise DevOps Transformation at Microsoft >>

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