Flow Recipes

How FloSports Uses LinearB and GitStream to Improve Their Engineering Efficiency

Repos that have gitStream applied have automated up to 30% of their pull request cycles.

FloSports is using LinearB and GitStream to optimize their code review process, and are baking it into their policy to optimize getting PRs automatically classified, merged or reviewed by the right person.

Repos that have gitStream applied have automated up to 30% of their pull request cycles.

By applying automation to the review process, companies can focus developers’ time on what matters and reduce unnecessary toil and context switches.

Some cool sample use cases FloSports adopted include automatic approval of what they define as small and low-risk code changes, auto-rejecting changes that use deprecated APIs without human intervention and basically formalizing and automating their change management policy with code.

gitStream is a free workflow automation tool that uses YAML to standardize merge practices via policy-as-code and reduce bottlenecks in the code review process. Add context to PRs, find code experts for reviews, and automate the merge process to maximize developer productivity.

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