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Cloud Native DevOps

Cloud Native Computing involves developing applications as a collection of loosely coupled and independently deployable microservices, packaged in containers, and dynamically orchestrated to optimize resource utilization.

Cloud Native computing and DevOps share common goals of accelerating software delivery, improving scalability, and enhancing reliability.

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Global Scale Performance

Cloud native applications are built from the ground up, optimized for cloud scale and performance.

By integrating Cloud Native principles with DevOps practices, organizations can achieve faster time-to-market, better resource utilization, and increased agility.

Cloud Native Computing takes the principles of DevOps a step further by leveraging cloud technologies and architectures to enable organizations to build and deploy applications at scale, and improves DevOps performance in several ways:

The Partner Directory includes Vendors and Consultants who provide technologies and professional services for designing and implementing a Cloud Native software architecture.

Complete solutions are designed for industries like Telecommunications.

Best Practices

An ongoing article series on implementing Cloud Native best practices.

An overview of Azure innovations and services that enable enterprise developers to build and scale Cloud Native applications on Microsoft Azure.
By migrating to a unified DevOps platform, Vodafone’s development efforts operate like a single, global team rather than several disparate companies.
Microservices Architecture offers a powerful framework for accelerating software development by breaking down complex applications into smaller, manageable components.
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