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Increase Your Developer Velocity Index with Microsoft Azure

How Microsoft offers tools and services for implementing McKinsey's 'Developer Velocity Index' best practices.

This entry is part 8 of 8 in the series DevOps Metrics for High Performance

McKinsey developed the Developer Velocity Index (DVI) from an in-depth survey of senior executives at 440 large enterprises, more than 100 expert interviews, and extensive external research.

It pinpoints the most critical factors (related to technology, working practices, and organizational enablement) in achieving Developer Velocity.

It expands the scope of how Agile traditionally defines Velocity, to connect it with a general ability for IT to deliver strategic value. They identify top-quartile DVI scores correlate revenue growth that is four to five times faster than bottom-quartile DVI scores, and that:

“Top-quartile companies also have 60 percent higher total shareholder returns and 20 percent higher operating margins. In addition, top-quartile players appear to be more innovative, scoring 55 percent higher on innovation than bottom-quartile companies. These businesses also score higher on customer satisfaction, brand perception, and talent management.”

and that:

“Top-quartile companies also have 60 percent higher total shareholder returns and 20 percent higher operating margins. In addition, top-quartile players appear to be more innovative, scoring 55 percent higher on innovation than bottom-quartile companies. These businesses also score higher on customer satisfaction, brand perception, and talent management.”

Importantly the bulk of the article focuses on the best practices they learned from their interviews. Read more here.

Azure DVI

Microsoft is one vendor who aligns their DevOps solutions to the DVI principles.

They offer a Developer Velocity Assessment Tool. You can use this tool to discover where your organization is on the Developer Velocity maturity scale and benchmark your Developer Velocity Index (DVI) relative to your peers. Then, get actionable guidance for how to drive better business outcomes for your organization.

They also published the Enterprise DevOps Report 2020–2021, a Microsoft and Sogeti research study of more than 250 cloud and DevOps implementations.

This report provides a comprehensive review on how to scale your DevOps practices to improve business metrics, customer satisfaction, and increase Developer Velocity – creating the right environment for developers to innovate. You can also use the study’s recommendations as a blueprint for your successful adoption of enterprise DevOps.

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